Sunday, November 30, 2008

Muh god we're so cute.


K last night I did something stupider than Mars Attack.
I put 3 fingers on the iron plate.

Off to Korea to get sum beer.

+ Check this out!

D, muz post the cute pictures of me HAWHAW

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Just for laughs

Ecksplisit (1 day ago) Show Hide +4 Marked as spam Reply | Spam Why are you apologizing about your hair? You should be apologizing about how ugly and fat you are. Man, mcdonalds fucked you up.

Robert pattison must be SO embarrassed.

This is what I look like today

This is what I look like today,
And I'm trying not to pull out my hair.
I'm trying hard to grow it,
but I'm far too shy to show back there.

Cannot be manicurist.
Inhaled too much polish till I think I feel queasy.
My brother bought Twilight maha.
It seems good enough for the overration.
Nyhoo, I can't wait to go out with delane foo wei en.
Teehee kiss you ;)

I think ugly cockeyed reads my blog!
Okay fine, it's on the net and world wide.
But he copies it!
So if you're reading this UGLY COCKEYED,
you're damn weird please.
Stay out of my life even though you live above me.
I pray everyday I don't step the part of the lift you stepped on.


OH oh,
thinking about what I just said,
that would mean I read his blog.
MAHA, that once k.

Come on T, we point and laugh tgt at it k :D

I don't care how overrated they say she's become.
She just keeps getting better and better.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Life-changing invention

Friday, November 21, 2008

"If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength."

Proverbs 24:10

Been reading the bible, not that I'm trying to esteem my faith, but I want to become a better person, in character and thoughts.

And that verse challenged me.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"Writing anywhere where people can read is inviting judgement;
demanding a suspension of my thoughts as a reaction to yours
can only be founded on imaginary hope and
useless barricades, in attempt to keep out the world.

If only, in my humble opinion (of course)
because it is heartening, at leastto know that the people who read you
can formulate original thoughts of their own.Why discourage thought, reaction, judgement?
It does not mean they are always right.
Sometimes you can only write, and then hope like hellyou know how to tell when they are.

Perhaps we should hope that people judge us by the words we use
and not anything else, because we are, after all,
not the food we eat or the clothes we wear or the friends we claim we have,
but the words that leave our lips."


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Boards and Stuff


The pain is killing, like a stealthy knife it slits so slowly and gently you're unaware.
It cuts and it hurts and you cry so softly, it's almost a whisper, "sorethroat"
Gdamn irresistable.

Almost there.
I take caffeine on bloodstream.

Guess whose

I didn't put colour to save you from the shock.

The thinnest isn't mine.

Free show

Sunday, November 16, 2008

1. Do you have secrets?
I have genital warts!

2. Would you fall in love with a guy younger than you?
Unless I'm gay.

3. Do you enjoy going to school?
Unless I'm earning money from it, No.

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
US or UK. or... rupees?

5. Would you love your ex again?

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Getting my billion.

7. List out your 15 favourite songs:
Jason Mraz's 15 songs.

8. If you're single and your crush is already attached, what would you do?
I'd use my billion to flood their house with raw salmon

9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
my lx3!! and tv.

10. What makes you angry?
Dressed Handsome boys and naked ugly girls

11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?

12. Who is currently the most important people to you?

13. What is the most important thing in life?

14. Single or attached?
It's a three way thing.

15. What is your favourite colour?
tree colours

16. Would you give all in a relationship?
depends who

17. What would be the 1st thing you say/shout/scream when you've reach the top of Mount Everest?
Won't there be an avalanche?

18. What are you doing now?
typing this, moron.

19. Do you prefer chocolate drink or coffee?

20. People I have tagged:
those who have done

Thursday, November 13, 2008


You wished you knew how to say it, as though that feeling came in a form of a word and once you say it, that feeling is released and the suffering is over.
And then you realised its not possible, you don't have enough of that intelligence capacity to form it into a word and that feeling builds up and up and up.
I have no idea on what to write for "Tracks".
I wished I could.
The satisfaction of expresesion; I haven't had that satisfaction, yet.
Sometimes you look into the mirror and you touch yourself in distaste and disgust.
You press your nose and hold it, hoping it would be sharper when you release it.
And it doesn't and you are shot right back into the harsh reality that you're who you are.
Something you don't want but have.
Money to nip/tuck.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The camera I've been talking about unless you didn't listen.


24mm ultra-wide-angle lens
10.1 mp

"This high-speed high-performance imaging engine makes it possible to capture clean, beautiful, low-noise photos even when shooting at high sensitivity settings. Separating chromatic noise from luminance noise and low-frequency noise from high-frequency noise, and applying the optimal noise-reduction processing to each, the Venus Engine IV provides superior noise control and minimization of color bleeding. "