Monday, April 28, 2008

You're not much of a winner.

Must be the studying but I was thinking on how a very uncool and unpopular and unhip pereson I am.

First of all, social social social hierachy in (guess what) and school not much of a big deal, cause I've many friends there.

Secondly, I'm a sucky person cause like what () told me, I'm a total bitch.
I expect ppl to listen to me and solve my problems while I couldn't care less about theirs. Okay, I do care about some stuff but talking majority here.
I've this problem about wanting a lot of close friends.
Because I feel like I have a sparse of friends when I look at the phone and think, who am I suppose to sms without looking like I'm trying.
And I mean those who I really talk to are so little, what if they're angry, who do I confide to.
Omg, no, I don't mean I want backup friends and I sound like a faggoty fuck twit and I don't differ from any other hypocrite in the world.

Lastly, I feel okay I mentioned it but I really feel like a loser in (), I mean my close friends there are not losers at all, the ppl who knows them don't know me so when I approach those friends infront of those ppl, they see me as a loser hanging out with some perosn I shouldn't be hanging with.
I mean I woke ytd and was like I really don't feel like gg and I'm not even gg for God, And I swore at him last night, like scolding him about why I have to be the loser amongst my friends.
It used to be the 3 of us and everybody became more socialble and moved'cept ME, wtf is wrong with me.
I hope I don't sound like those emo asses complaining about my life all freaking day and night and I totally hate them but IM A HYPOCRITE SEE IM BEING LIKE THEM.

It's not like I have no friends at all.
There's anisha who talks about ice lemon tea when I'm talking intensely.
There's Julia who'se always chill and relax and shares almost the same opinions with me.
There's Tricia, the person who sits with me in church and play the drums with.
There's Vanessa, who I'm starting to enjoy talking to cause she got cool makeup no kidding.
There's cheryl, who helps me with work and more work and the list goes on.
There's OMG YES YOU Melanie Liang, who's really nice to talk to despite her puny size and oh yes music and how I keep telling her she's really that gd at it.
There's Rachel Tan, the one who sits behind me during chinese being bimbo and making me seem the smartest of the world.
There's Ashley(we don't know each other very well but chi classmates affect me quite alot), who's quite hot and tells me her boy bashing experiences.
There's Delane FOOOOOO, the one who has the nicest of personalities never snapping in your face even if you can be the idioticest of idiotics and talking about games and art, rocks with her.
There's Heather Mao, who's going OMG NAH TOTALLY and pinkish and gigglish and snortish and SITS BESIDE ME
There's Ryan Goh, who's the only guy I'm writing here cause no guy can be not gay at all and talk to a girl so well and has amazing character and no corrupted and fucking playboy like disgusting gross cocky mason or ugly beng JAYDON, I don't have problems with bengs, ray's one but he's nice and not totally cocky.

I didn't put God in my list. I don't know if I'm a christian at all, I mentioned I sowre at him but I don't feel as guilty as I should be and oh yes many others I didn't mentioned, crazy ah I so many friends.
See I have so many friends but like aiya aiya, I'm a stupid materialistic bitchfaced cocksucker.

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