Tell you the real thing is actually quite fab, quite a talent and I didn't take much pictures cause I DIDN'T BRING MY CAMERA and the pics i took with my phone can't be loaded into the com so sent it to her waiting for the uploadation.
But this are what I got from her :)

Then met my cuz and carol who dill kept calling "your aunty"
And we saw Kustaa Saksi's sexy works.
All the hippies and indies were there and we were like total loners.
I was like SOCIALIZE and talking about being cool.
Hahaha, and quite inspiring the whole experience.
Shaking Mr. Saksi's hand was an honour, you're like almost shaking eintein's hand!
Then I saw this print I extremely adored, "Sneaking out in the rain"
It was 150USD fuuuuck.
Anw, totally enjoyed it, awesome exposure.

Ytd, went out with dill again(I think she hates that I call her that)
We were brooding over whether to go for fleas but it didn't work out so called hanya and asked her about scary house and we got lost.
Then I thought we entered the right place okay, until we saw like a gardener inside! It was quite embarrassing cause the stupid sign there said PRIVATE hell smart.
Let the pics do the talking, like I even care about giving it tags now.
Before scaryplace,
Dill's house.
(I didn't upload a few cause have to rotate. And photobucket fucked up the pics.)
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