Clockwise from top left:
Lynntte, Timothy, Joseph,Eugene,FuKhai,Hilda,Sharmaine,Me,Valery,Vanessa,Claris
Okay lah, not so rahrah but got really cool people k. And Lynnette is so tiny. Fukhai got funny hair. Hilda so tall. Sharmaine so pretty.
A funny picture I hope it makes you smile :)
And I is fatigue now.
More tmr.
Your up and your down.
teeth so white, nostril so flared.
pick nose, pick teeth, pick ear. pisai veggie wax.
Act artyfarty only.
The camera erased my face.
Aarons grp; Chow. (or Ciao)
Someone's funkyo pantsio.
I look midly cockeyed. It was delibrate!
Eee, why I look like that.
Glowing hands, shiny fingers. I think it's Green Lantern's.
A sight to devour.
Abit more tmr.

Boy, do I want this shirt!
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