Saturday, July 4, 2009

letting go letting god

Almost a cont. to the previous,
Don't you think its a waste to really care remember and talk about the person once he/she is gone?
Almost hypocritical?
I feel almost sad for these passing 2.
Apologies all over the page, tears, face it, it won't revive her.
Yes we are grieving but those who made mean remarks, who added hurt to the heart, don't you think you're almost too late?
What's the point of talking about it, being regretful about it when you could've have done something earlier.
Okay, who am I to judge? I do it too, pretty much almost all the time, again I'm being hypocritical about hypocrites, but sometimes, it's the human nature that should be called the wicked nature.
Maybe we shouldn't concentrate so much on what to become but letting go and letting god.
Next is Revival.

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