Saturday, September 1, 2007

Okay, ytd was teacher's day celebrations, quite cool actually, the performances(I actually didn't sleep) Well, T and I were so excited to pass Ms Audrey the painting, so when we managed to pass it to her, she only said, "Oh thanks dear." I was REALLY DISAPPOINTED since I placed much effort painting for her, and she was the only teacher receiving a present from us.

Well, then headed off the the pri school. We went there and got scolded by the principal. I mean it's rather ironic don't you think? We were suppose to be greeted happily by the teachers who haven't met us but instead scolded by not just anyone but the principal.

Caught up with a few teacher, was ratehr bored though although we met Mrs Tan, she's really thin still, even after giving birth after 4 mths? Her baby's really happy, she showed us the pictures :) He's called Marc.

Afterwards, G, C and I went to meet Xinjie in PS, she changed ALOT.
Caught Ratatouille, the animation was awesome, I don't relaly like animation but that was an exception, like C said, for an animation, it actually made the food seemed so real and tasty.
Also, I wanted to watch finish the credits cause the illustrations were brilliant besides the Unfortunate Events 's one but all of them wanted to leave so I didn't wanna hold them up.
Nice eh?

Oh yes, don't exactly goign to PS, because somehow I don't really like seeing ppl I know there. I feel awkward and all I mean seeing juniors you dislike then seeing seniors that might dislike you. I'm not trying to prejudice but I mean if you feel like that.. You'd get it, somehow.

Ah, was reading through some stuff and I'm feeling really kek sim(heart pain) to realised I was so bloody close to someone and yet so far. Eeyer, sounds so cliche but how am I sps to phrase it in another way?

Today was rather good, I went to the red dot museum, they wer having a portrait day, really cool. I was there with my family so i felt awkward. OH she's just acting cool really, but I mean you just feel different in different places with different ppl. You know where some places you feel more comfartable with your friends and others with your family.
Anyway, my dad was being annoying pointing at everything from cameras to paintings gasping, "Oh thats a design!" And my mom was really interested making herself say stuff that meant something but to others well, nonunderstandable? I don't want to sound mean really, I really love them but there are times where they get a little annoying.
So the place was cool, and they had a bar. Then I went to comex and then to church. Nothing much.

See ya

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