Thursday, October 18, 2007

Not in the best of mood, my hamster might have a cancerous lump on his back, I'm feeling extremely upset.

And with something else in particular.

Oh yes, I want my Genie webcam back with it and all its functions, mosaic, black and white, saturated, but the stupid software won't work, so my dad got another webcam, where its supoosed to be better, and more expensive and the software works fine, but when I try to download the extra video effects, it said the effects were there, but it wasn't!


I need to paint, I need to do scrapbooking, my brother is being absolutely annoying now adding fuel to the fire, saying "oh yes! yeah when she does this and blah it's so annoying!"

Shut up lah you pain in the neck.


freaking gay go have a sex change.





I try to be tolerant and I just feel like slapping his face.

Death sucks.

whats with sky shots, they're cheesy.

I gta find more ideas.

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