Thursday, December 20, 2007

Okay, I came bakc at 9 plus after a movie at wth VIVO with my camp group :)
We watched National Treasure, it was okay I guess, I don't really like thrilling movies, not very thrilling though.

I'm angry cause my dad only cares about grades and science and gives me things only if I do them well.
I mean he can be nice but when he's frustrating, all his niceness cannot overshadow it.
I wished he bought me stuff and shop with me and give me money cause he's nice not because of "oh, every one maths question you do, ou get 1 buck."
I mean it's a pretty good deal but still.
I don't want that much, just for him to understand that I like art and I dowand to grow up doing somthing ivolving maths though it's basic foundation, yes I know but buy me a camera, pay for my brushes, get me photoshop, okay that's alot, but at least something that I enjoy doing and something that I want to grow up to become. :(
Anyway Japan pics! :)


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