Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What if instead of saving the world – we say we are creating a new one?

We keep trying and pushing and forcing and transforming, and we keep adding and adding and we don't realise that by adding we are depleting.
We need to let go take it easy (live high).
We create unnecessary problems and worries.
Worries don't happen, we create worries.
We tell ourselves for eg."I'll have a bad day."
Change the mindset, "We will save the world by a bit tdy."
Every morning, I wake up, I don't think, I don't feel the least inspired, I do not have an objective, it's not living w/o worries, it's just throwing life away.
I can wake up with an objective w/o any worries, it's possible right?
I don't think that's why I feel my mind is so inactive, I keep creating reasons and excuses, why not take time to pause and focus on something useful for awhile, something to help another, inspire another, encourage another.
Gossips and rumours are what circulates social activity, but we can always create another form of circulation.
I think sometimes, it's because no one bothers.
Sometimes, it just takes you
to change the the world.

Sometimes I wish I were you, maybe my life would be better.
No, I request for a positive outlook please.

I admit, I would have nothing t write if I didn't read freshness factor, sometimes, I feel so useless.

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