Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Grad night's tonight, SO UNPREPARED!
I needs to watch a korean drama and pick up a new skill and start drawing again instead of going out.
Hahaha, wtf, I know who my real friends are naow.
Catcha l8r and woah hasn't it been long since I touched this space. :O
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Common statement when I frown lament or whine.
I don't really know, maybe it's cause my tolerance is really low and when I tolerate, the fury bottles up and translates into tears and I hate crying, so I express my dissatisfaction, unhappiness, and they don't get it, piling up on their fucking hurtful indifferent statements therefore the yelling.
So is it my fault?
But I am angsty, does my answer matter?
I think "angst" is pretty dumb, you link it to teens, the in-the-middle ones.
But grownup flares, toddlers too, in a crying-kinda-way.
So why give us the reason about unstable hormones.
I just get pissed.
Pissed when I'm asked a ques, I give an answer but since I'm always unreliable and wrong and stupid, they don't take my answer, pissed that I'm forced to do stacks of gruelling work, at the same time listening to those demoralising statements, pissed that you forget I've a fucking life with friends, pissed that you're so hypocritical and twp-faced and yet I can't be, pissed that you think you care but you don't, think you understand but you don't.
Just, pissed.
Cute guy paired with good music to simmer down.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
At first, she seems too-cool-for-school.
Then she turns out to be really dorky, I like her samsui woman walk.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Too much oestrogen.
I want my first kiss with my boyfriend to be like that!
Okay sorry I'm having a stupid-slap-me-now-girly-moment.
Plus isn't Robbie the cutest?!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
I have a stomachache

There is this psycho bitch who I can never tell is really angry or not.

And this psycho baby who creates havoc without even trying.

This twats plus cheryl who hardly give the right reply I want (esp anisha) but they do try and I'm aware of it! (L)

Oh plus this really embarrassing person to be with in public, but he's really nice and funny and fails at making me feel good about myself but reaaally tries (I HOPE)
Oh and because of this people, my life is almost more than complete minus the hot body and flawless complexion and nice hair and nice clothes I want.
Thanks for the compensation God! :D
(and the many others I didn't state cause I look bad in the pictures I am with you!)
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Anw, on a happier note, S is coming my house tomorrow yay!
Anna de Rijk
Up and coming model to watch, she's quite plain on first sight but her features are so delicate, yet so strong.
And OMGOSH, her eyes, AND HER HAIR!
I love the cleft chin too!
Balances out the too much feminimity.


I have fucking gross hair for trade!
And oh, julia says my posts are weird.
Thanks you burst my ego bubble.
Monday, July 6, 2009
And then I'm rly fortunate to have friends who you just ramble and ramble at and they don't look annoyed although I'm sure anyone would get sick of a person full of complaints.
So you're really more than just your height and if a person's level of niceness is determind by his vertical value, maybe it's not bullshit or you could be an exception!
Thanks for the beans!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
letting go letting god
Don't you think its a waste to really care remember and talk about the person once he/she is gone?
Almost hypocritical?
I feel almost sad for these passing 2.
Apologies all over the page, tears, face it, it won't revive her.
Yes we are grieving but those who made mean remarks, who added hurt to the heart, don't you think you're almost too late?
What's the point of talking about it, being regretful about it when you could've have done something earlier.
Okay, who am I to judge? I do it too, pretty much almost all the time, again I'm being hypocritical about hypocrites, but sometimes, it's the human nature that should be called the wicked nature.
Maybe we shouldn't concentrate so much on what to become but letting go and letting god.
Next is Revival.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
A thought
-MJ's death
-first day of school
-schoolgirl's suicide
-cheena oral
I'm too lazy and no longer really feeling the need to post anymore but MJ's death; 26th june if I'm not wrong; a rly late comment.
On the 25th my dad got admitted to the hospital because of a possible heart attack again, and they next day when he was discharged and free from any cardiac problems, MJ passed away from a cardiac arrest.
Put my dad and MJ tgt, both in the same situation, same time, who would you rather have stayed on longer.
My dad is prolly some worthless loser to the world, not a hero nil zilch, even to me he's some sort of jerk, but he's my family's breadwinner, in a way my family's little "hero", so even though now certain things might seem totally unfair, small, uncomparable, I've learnt to embrace it, I've learnt to appreciate, so maybe MJ's death wasn't such a sad thing anymore, I got to love my dad a little bit more.
So just for this small little lesson,
Thanks Michael :)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
What if instead of saving the world – we say we are creating a new one?
We need to let go take it easy (live high).
We create unnecessary problems and worries.
Worries don't happen, we create worries.
We tell ourselves for eg."I'll have a bad day."
Change the mindset, "We will save the world by a bit tdy."
Every morning, I wake up, I don't think, I don't feel the least inspired, I do not have an objective, it's not living w/o worries, it's just throwing life away.
I can wake up with an objective w/o any worries, it's possible right?
I don't think that's why I feel my mind is so inactive, I keep creating reasons and excuses, why not take time to pause and focus on something useful for awhile, something to help another, inspire another, encourage another.
Gossips and rumours are what circulates social activity, but we can always create another form of circulation.
I think sometimes, it's because no one bothers.
Sometimes, it just takes you
to change the the world.
Sometimes I wish I were you, maybe my life would be better.
No, I request for a positive outlook please.
I admit, I would have nothing t write if I didn't read freshness factor, sometimes, I feel so useless.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Blast no blast
Had a blast.

And not so much of a blast.
.....at the same place.
This space is getting kinda mundane, no one comes, no one posts.
And I'm not exactly an eyepleaser.
I feel like giving up on myself and some ppl.
"Oh no! Not ANOTHER angsty post!"
I think I will fail o's at this rate.
Nothing intelligent to say besides..
There is nobody so irritating as somebody with less intelligence and more
sense than we have.Don Herold
An intelligence test sometimes shows a man how smart he would have been not
to have taken it.Laurence J. Peter
Quite funny what.
kbai, idunneedchu norchu.
P.S: You need t screw off sometimes.
So what if you're cute, what if you have the brains! I'm.... BETTER THAN YOU IN SOMEWAY! MY NAME IS NICER.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Dear Always,
Once a month, I open the bottom cabinet in my bathroom and I pull out the mega-jumbo-package of pads I keep down there because no one listens to me when I beg them to please take my uterus out and stomp on it. I don't want it. I don't need it. NO ONE LISTENS TO ME.
I digress.
I buy your brand because you sell the size that could arguably be used as a diaper. I've tried others, only to have horrible flashbacks of wearing my jacket tied around my waist all through the 8th grade because I'm one of those unfortunate women who bleeds like a hemophiliac and those dainty panty liners are a joke. It's like trying to put a band-aid on a severed artery.
It's bad enough that I have to buy the Tampax marked SUPER PLUS, but combine that with the pads that say, EXTRA HEAVY OVERNIGHT FOR MAXIMUM PROTECTION and I might as well have a sign on my head that reads, "I make the movie set of Texas Chainsaw Massacre look positively clean!" I'm sure it's not that big of a deal and no one really notices, but in my head, they're all staring at me and thinking things like, "Wow. Surely she doesn't have to wear both of these things at the same time! There's enough absorbency here to suck up the Hoover dam! Her vagina must be HUGE."
Anyway. I wanted to let you know that I appreciate you. I thank you for soft, dri-weave cover, for the flexi-wings and your 'one-hand release' - because, quite frankly, when you're peeing in the woods and trying to keep your balance so you don't give yourself a pine-cone enema, that one hand release for the backing is pretty darned handy - and although you use that "Have A Happy Period" slogan (and Wendi Aaron already did an incredible job of covering THAT particular topic, so I won't even try to go there), I think I can forgive you. In a few days. After the urge to kill has passed.
But, please. I know you have a team of scientists to rival that of NASA and someone there has got to come up with a better plan than the super-glue adhesive you have on the back of those sumbitches because if you don't put that thing on just so, it rips all your pubic hair out. And I don't mean the kind on the landing strip, I mean the kind on your taint, the kind that even when gently stretched causes pain that falls somewhere between setting your eyelids on fire and being punched in the spleen. Additionally, this always seems to be sneak attack that happens mid-morning. Adjusting my seating during our office meeting and then screaming, "MOTHER OF SHIT, SOMETHINGS EATING MY CROTCH!!?", didn't exactly get me a raise.
If doctors can make people in cigar tubes, you can save my hair down there.
Thank you.
Crystal McKnobHAHAHA I saw this in scratchthevinyl.lj and it's from WWW.MCKNOB.COM
THIS IS WHY I HATE PERIODS TOO, cept not so jialat lah :D
hahaha, samuel so kootz.
okay del's bday thingo tmr and 4 days of sentosa the day after. baha
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
I'm limited to one hour of computer a day.
There's homework, there's tuition work and there's the "dad-wants-to-kill-me-with-these" work.
+ revision.
I'm so fed up >:>:>:
Last wk;

Something to keep me cheeer-ri-oh.
Everything is Possible.
I am God,
I am Buddha,
I am Imperfect
All at the same time
I am empty space
I am all things.
I have all the time in the world to do what is to do,
To do the timeless doing,Infinitely perfect within,
Why cry,
Why worry,
Perfect like the mind essence.
[Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac,
gifted by the beautiful Dawn Mitschele]
Intended t put some lyrics but I realised how bored I get when ppl just ctrl c+v songs and all.
Anyway, gd music!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Changes in your ranks:
#5 best dancer (gained 9 places)
#7 most absentee (lost 1 place)
#7 most enviable (gained 4 places)
#12 most artistic (gained 3 places)
#17 most cuddly (lost 5 places)
How others compared you recently:
• "Who am I more jealous of", you won 1 and lost 0 times.
Hahaha! At least I got one vote less for most absentee.
I would be happier if:(You'd prolly be sick of this alrd)
-had more clothes
-had better complexion
-smiled nicer
-had longer hair
-sing better
And you'd prolly like me if I was:
-had a nicer body
-played a sport
"I'd be really awesome if I weren't such a dork."